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Author Bradford Combs

Bradford Combs

Bradford Combs' writing journey began shortly after graduating from high school. Having been an average student at best, he crafted two chapters of a potential novel and showed it to a gentleman with a bachelor's degree in writing. The gentleman sadly informed Bradford that his ideas were good but his writing was not. So Bradford tucked those chapters away in a desk drawer, thinking his writing days were over. He would later pull those pages out again to show them to a friend. That friend agreed with the previous gentleman, but he offered to help instead of criticizing.


Bradford returned to writing and soon had many friends and family helping him learn from his mistakes, and in time, he would turn to books on craft and seek online advice. What began as a playful hobby for Bradford turned into a passion for learning, and that passion continues to this day.


To date, Bradford has completed seven novels. One is in a drawer and will never see the light of day. Five others shouldn't have been published but were and have since been removed from Amazon. They could possibly be cleaned up and rereleased later, but for now, they remain unavailable. After years of continued study and writing, the final book is finally ready for public consumption. That novel, of course, is The Timeless Playground. And the writing journey continues.


When Bradford's not writing, he serves children and educators as an elementary school custodian. Bradford has been married for 20+ years and has two nearly grown children who are somehow cooler than he's ever been. He's also turned into a bit of a cat enthusiast.


Bradford gave his life to Christ in 1996 when he was 15 years old, and though he struggled with his faith over the years, he rededicated himself to the Lord in 2018 and has since served as an usher, a deacon, and a Sunday school teacher for both children and adults. Bradford resides with his wife and daughters in Hamilton, Ohio, and worships at The Well Bible Church in Oxford, Ohio.

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